Brand Innovation
80% While a large majority say they experience skin concerns.
54% More than half of consumers visit general healthcare providers for skin health issues, which may suggest a lack of specialized care for skin conditions.
Consumers are seeking solutions that integrate seamlessly with a holistic approach to wellness.
Hyper-personalization with AI/VR
The use of advanced technologies is paving the way for truly customized experiences.
Sophisticated and Simplicity
A minimalist approach to focus on quality over quantity that leads to a more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle.
Sustainable and Ethical Living
The increase of conscious choices in daily life to create a more sustainable future.
Rapid Tech Growth and Digitalization
Advancements in technology are impacting every aspect of life driving efficiency, convenience, and connectivity.
The only Skinsight Studio that helps urban skinthusiasts to get health insights through skin technology.
By 2030, we have 20 million active users receiving recommendations from the Global Wellness Institute and the International SPA Association.
We are here to celebrate the health of every skin on this planet.
Eccentric: We are for those who are seeking something delightfully peculiar.
Imaginative: We ensures that every decision is informed and every outcome is exceptional.
Sprightly: We embody an amiable spirit, infusing every interaction with a festive and ecstatic energy.
Please contact if you’re interested in learning more.
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Third-party images, text, and logos are the property of their respective rightsholders. They are intended for educational purposes as part of a student presentation and are used for demonstration only.